Monday, February 28, 2011

Tortall and Other Lands by Tamora Pierce

I've recently become a pretty large fan of short story anthologies. It's bits of awesomeness that you can enjoy in fifteen-ish minute intervals. It's great for those who don't relish long ventures into fantasy worlds and like a tiny bon bon for those of us who live on them.

Tortall and Other Lands is a collection of short stories done by one of the best young adult fantasy authors of all time, Tamora Pierce (See title!). Which was overall pretty enjoyable, but I was strongly disappointed by the lack of Keladry. If you liked Nawat and Kitten, you'll still be decently happy.

"Elder Brother" was worth the $11 I paid for it. It explains the repercussions of Numar using the word of power to turn whats-his-face into the apple tree. What happened to the tree that turned into a man? Read and find out!

To seal the deal it also had "Dragon's Tale". The story which shows into the mind of Kitten while on a tour of Carthak with Numair and Daine post Trickster's Choice.

I don't know if I would highly recommend it to those who hadn't read some of her previous Tortall books. First, I would recommend reading those. If you haven't read them you are being grievously wounded by the great stories you are missing.