Friday, July 18, 2008

First McKinley Review

Robin McKinley is an AMAZING fantasy author. I've been hero-worshipping her since I was eleven starting with the book The Blue Sword. Stay tuned for more of her reviews. I won't be able to stop myself.

Deerskin by Robin McKinley

McKinley has often reworked and improved upon fairy tales and she doesn't fail us this time. This is her take on Grimm's "Allerleirauh". I think you can safely say it's her darkest work, so beware. If you're looking for something cheery continue on your quest.

Princess Lissar is the overlooked daughter of two perfect monarchs. Her mother not only perfect, but the most beautiful woman in seven kingdoms. So she spends her days a neglected shadow, her only friend a nurse-maid. When her mother dies she doesn't cry because she never knew her. She is the only one. The king and kingdom both are crushed by the death. For them it is the end of their world. For the king it is the loss of any love. The queen's last words put an end to any chance he had of future happiness.

" 'Yes,' said the queen, and held up her free hand to silence him: or rather lifted her fingers for a moment from their place on her coverlet, for she had little strength left for movement. 'I want you to promise me this: that you will only marry someone as beautiful as I--was,' she said, 'so that you will not always be comparing the poor girl to me in your memory, and be cruel to her for it.' There was a strange tone in the queen's voice; were it not so sad an occasion and were not she so weak, it might have been thought that the tone was one of triumph."

Impossible task. There is no one more beautiful than his wife. She was famous for being the most attractive woman in seven kingdoms. So he sits, he mourns, he has no one to love. For the first time in his life he looks at his daughter, Lissar. A girl grown from stumbling awkwardness into a rare beauty. One could say that she is almost as beautiful as her mother.

It's a story of being broken and surviving. Horror, love, and new beginnings wrapped up in a well written parchment package. But don't let my mediocre reviewing turn you off it. I recommend it highly to fantasy lovers. It is well worth the read.
